YSC Finalist Noah Carr

Senior Division Finalist, Violin, 16

Violin Concerto No. 3 in G Major, Mvt. 1

W.A. Mozart

Noah Carr is a high school Junior from Portland, Oregon. He performs with the Metropolitan Youth Symphony (MYS) and the MYSfits Ensemble. Noah currently studies violin with Tomas Cotik, Professor of Violin at Portland State University.

In 2022, Noah was selected as a Semi-Finalist in the 26th Annual Sphinx Competition. Over the course of the same year, Noah won first place in MYS’ Concerto Competition and first place in the Senior Division of the Oregon ASTA competition. He was also selected as a 2022 Young Artist Ambassador for the All Classical Portland radio station. Noah attended the Juilliard and Curtis sessions of the Sphinx Performance Academy during the summers of 2018-2021, and spent the summer of 2022 at the Meadowmount School of Music. He has participated in masterclasses with violinists including Jennifer Koh, Espen Lilleslåtten, Simone Lamsma, Rachel Barton Pine, and Areta Zhulla.

A passionate supporter of diversity and inclusion in classical music, Noah wrote two spoken word and musical programs in 2018 and 2020 documenting his experiences as a classical musician of color. After he graduates from high school, he plans to attend a music conservatory and pursue violin professionally. 

Noah performs on an instrument made in 1900 by Paul Bailly, generously loaned to him by the Virtu Foundation. 

If I could have any super power, I would like to be able to teleport. That would make traveling so much easier, financially and physically. And I'd never be late.

If I could eat only one desert for the rest of my life, it would be pie. It's generic enough that there's a lot of different flavor options, so I don't think I'd get tired of it.

If I was stranded on a desert island, I would bring everything written by Bach. He's one of my favorite composers, and even now I don't get tired of playing and performing music of his I've been playing for years.

My favorite classical musician is Augustine Hadelich. His playing is so incredibly relaxed, and his sound is just beautiful.

In my dream house, I would have a soundproof performance hall with perfect acoustics I could practice in every day.