YSC Finalist Morgan Tran

Junior Division Finalist, Flute, 13

Flute Concerto No. 1 in G Major, Mvt. 1

W.A. Mozart

Morgan Tran is an 8th grade student at Valley Catholic Middle School in Oregon. She is a longtime student of flute teacher Beckie Hocker, who started Morgan on the fife and recorder at age five. Morgan quickly graduated to flute by second grade and has been performing flute in her school orchestra ever since. She especially cherishes the years she spent as a student of the late Travis Hatton, who was the former Valley Catholic orchestra teacher and Beaverton Symphony conductor. Currently, Morgan is enjoying her third season with Portland Youth Wind Ensemble under the direction of conductor Giancarlo Castro D’Addona. She is also a member of the Valley Catholic Flutissimos, a flute choir that often performs at nursing homes, festivals, and other community venues. When not practicing flute, Morgan strives to improve her piccolo and alto flute skills, performs with the school pep band at school sports events, plays flute/harp duets with her sister, and spends time with her family. She also enjoys track and field, pickleball, reading graphic novels, learning Mandarin, chatting with friends, listening to music, and brewing milk tea. 


If you could only eat one dessert for the rest of your life, what would it be? Boba tea (milk tea with tapioca).

If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Perfect pitch.

What is your favorite musical memory? Performing a harp flute duet of “You Raised Me Up” with my sister at our school memorial service one week after the passing of our beloved orchestra teacher and conductor, Travis Hatton, who passed away suddenly in October 2022. 

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given? I must take care of myself first before I can help others around me. 

If you could have an extra hour of free time every day, how would you use it? Catch up on my sleep!